How to Secure a Laravel Application Like a Pro

How to Secure a Laravel Application Like a Pro

Protect Your Laravel App from Attacks: A Complete Security Guide


Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that simplifies web development, but securing your application is critical to prevent attacks like SQL injection, XSS, and unauthorized access. In this guide, we’ll walk through best practices to secure a Laravel application and protect sensitive data.

1. Keep Laravel and Dependencies Updated


Older versions of Laravel and third-party packages may have security vulnerabilities.


  • Update Laravel using Composer:

      composer update
  • Check for outdated dependencies:

      composer outdated
  • Use Laravel Security Advisories to check vulnerabilities:

      composer audit

2. Use Strong Authentication and Authorization

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

  • Use Laravel Fortify or Laravel Jetstream to enforce 2FA.

  • Example: Enable 2FA in Laravel Fortify:

      use Laravel\Fortify\Actions\EnableTwoFactorAuthentication;

Restrict Unauthorized Access with Policies & Gates

  • Create authorization policies using:

      php artisan make:policy UserPolicy
  • Define authorization logic in app/Policies/UserPolicy.php.

  • Use Gates for fine-grained permissions:

      Gate::define('edit-user', function ($user, $targetUser) {
          return $user->id === $targetUser->id;

3. Prevent SQL Injection

Always Use Eloquent ORM or Query Builder

  • Bad (Vulnerable):

      $user = DB::select("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '$email'");
  • Good (Secure):

      $user = DB::table('users')->where('email', $email)->first();

4. Prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Escape User Input

  • Always sanitize user input before displaying it.

  • Bad (Vulnerable):

      {!! $userInput !!}
  • Good (Secure):

      {{ $userInput }}

5. Secure API Endpoints

Use API Rate Limiting

  • Limit repeated API requests to prevent abuse.

  • Define rate limits in app/Http/Kernel.php:


Validate API Requests

  • Use Laravel’s built-in Request Validation:

          'email' => 'required|email',
          'password' => 'required|min:8',

6. Encrypt Sensitive Data

Store Hashed Passwords Securely

  • Laravel automatically hashes passwords using bcrypt.

  • To manually hash a password:

      $hashedPassword = Hash::make('securepassword');

Encrypt Database Fields

  • Use Laravel’s encrypt() and decrypt() functions:

      $encrypted = encrypt('sensitive data');
      $decrypted = decrypt($encrypted);

7. Secure Laravel Configuration

Hide Sensitive Data in .env

  • Never hardcode sensitive credentials in config/ files.

  • Bad (Vulnerable):

  • Good (Secure):

  • Use php artisan config:clear after updating .env.

8. Use HTTPS and Secure Cookies

Force HTTPS in Laravel

  • Update app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php:

      use Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL;
      public function boot()
          if (config('app.env') === 'production') {

Enable Secure Cookies

  • Configure session cookies in config/session.php:

      'secure' => env('SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE', true)

9. Set Up Laravel Security Headers

  • Use Laravel’s headers middleware to prevent attacks like Clickjacking & XSS.

  • Install and configure Laravel Security Headers:

      use Illuminate\Http\Middleware\FrameGuard;
  • Add the middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php.


Securing your Laravel application requires continuous monitoring and updates. By implementing authentication best practices, SQL injection prevention, HTTPS enforcement, and security headers, you significantly reduce security risks.

🚀 Next Step: Apply these security techniques to your Laravel app and keep your project safe!